Friday, March 5, 2010

Thursday, March 4

Rose #1: I opened a student's journal today and read this, in response to the prompt, "What would you do if you were homeless?": Head to wilderness, build a shelter, hunt and survive for the remainder of my days. I wouldn't want to be helped.

This is the student who reminds me of Dwight Shrute from The Office.....I think maybe you can tell why, based on this journal entry. It gave me a good laugh!

Rose #2: I've been waiting to hear whether or not I've been accepted to the Eastern Virginia Writing Project's Summer Institute for this coming summer. I just heard yesterday. When I told my class I was accepted, they clapped! It was mildly out of character for them, but it was absolutely adorable.

I hope you stopped to smell the roses today!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on being accepted! If it's anything like the one I attended, you will be challenged beyond belief and LOVE it!
