Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday, January 22

Rose #1: Two students handed in work today that raised their grades to the point of passing. They are both seniors, so I was stressing out about them failing English, since that would mean they couldn't graduate. While I'm still irritated with them for taking so long to do these assignments, I am so incredibly happy that they both managed to get it together in time.

Rose #2: Because I'm the only English teacher at my school, I am considered the chair of the department. As such, I get invited to some important English teacher meetings. One of these is going on tomorrow. The instructional specialist for English emailed us to let us know the meeting was going on and to ask if we had any comments for her to take with her to the meeting, or if any of us wanted to go. I emailed back just to see if she really thought it would be helpful for me to go, and she was SO excited! She even emailed back a day or two later to make sure I was still planning on going. This all leads up to today when a teacher friend at another school in my district sent me an email with some district updates. In the email, it noted that I would be attending the meeting with the instructional specialist! I thought that was so cool.

Still sick. Make sure you're all drinking plenty of water & oj & tea, as well as getting plenty of rest, and using those anti-bacterial wipes and sprays. Stay strong. :)

I hope you stopped to smell the roses today.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post. I honestly love all of your posts. You make it seem so "rosey" (no pun intended) to be a teacher, and we all know that at times, it isn't. I'm glad that you are able to embrace the positives of our job. I teach 1st grade this year...and my students make me laugh every day! They are not nearly as clever and witty as my 5th graders were last year, but I love them-each and every one of them. Thanks for helping me recognize the many droplets of happiness in every day. :)
